Thursday, January 23, 2014

Tutoring at Walt's Place


                                      Our own Barb Punter helping Ava with her homework
                         at Walt's Place.  Barb helps with homework and tutoring on
                         Thursdays.  Teachers never REALLY retire :)  Thanks Barb!!

Warm Winter Scarves

Thank you!!!!!!!

The FUMC Prayer Shawl Ministry gave each child that attends Breakfast Club and Walt's Place a beautiful and warm winter scarf.  They are certainly enjoying (and needing) them on these sub zero days!!           (two pictures below)

Thank you!!!!!!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

We Need Your Help - HTNH Fundraiser

Hilltop Neighborhood House
15th Annual Soups Dinner
is Tuesday, February 25, 2014
How can YOU help?
     1. Donate desserts to be used the day of the event.
          (Bring them to FUMC kitchen before noon,Feb. 25th)
          Please call 628.2998 or email to let
          us know how many we can plan on!  
       2.  Come to the event and enjoy:
                 Heartwarming Soups & Hometown Entertainment
             Tuesday, February 25, 2014
       4 pm - 7 pm
at Christ Lutheran Church
2610 North Campbell Street
Valparaiso (across from Valpo High School, enter Door #14)

This event is held annually to provide scholarships for needy families to be able to afford quality childcare while improving their family situations.
Soup Buffet provided by 15 different area restaurants
Desserts provided by First United Methodist Church & Strongbows
Coffee/Cappuccino Bar from Family Express
Live Music from local musicians
Tickets - $25

Hilltop Ministry - Review of 2013

Hilltop Ministry   Review for 2013                                                                                                                      

Mission: Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Dedicated To doing all the good we can, by all the means we can, for all the people we can, for however long we can  (Wesley) through:
*our commitment to the Hilltop Neighborhood          
*expanding our relationships with our Hilltop neighbors                                                                                                                              
 *inspiring our church family in service

Members of our church family have been busy in the Hilltop neighborhood in 2013:

*Ongoing volunteering in classrooms at Hilltop Neighborhood House (HTNH) – childcare,  greeter, reader of stories, leading the children in song, rocking babies, and generally helping as needed with the infants to pre-schools.

*Donations to and helping at the Hilltop Food Pantry.

*UMW and others provided desserts, attended the event and helped the night of the HTNH Soups fundraiser.

*Hilltop Missions group participated and helped in organizing the Kids Against Hunger event. (Hilltop family & staff participated too)

*Donated funds to HTNH for purchasing of shelving for interest centers for the classrooms.

*Donated funds to HTNH for purchasing of playground grade mulch and helped spread it.

*Member taught an Adult Beginners Computer Class (8 classes) at Walt’s Place.

*Member tilled ground for a community garden at Will Park. Walt’s Place kids planted, weeded and watered the garden.

*Member tutoring at Walt’s Place.

*Three Nexus participants have used their Nexus funds for laptop computers after graduating from high school.

*Breakfast Club continued throughout the school year.  (Monday mornings at 7 am for students attending Central Elementary School - providing them with breakfast and transportation to school, Bible stories and projects of caring, helping others, and interaction by caring adults.)  We meet at Union Community Church.

*Thank you $100 donation to Union Community Church for use of their facility for Breakfast Club.

*Trip to a RailCats game – Breakfast Club members, their families, and Breakfast Club volunteers.

*Summer -Tuesdays at Will Park – volunteers playing with Breakfast Club kids or other youth that want to play.

*Helped eight kids get signed up for camp; provided scholarships, transportation to and from their camps; emails and letters of support to them while at camp. (7 elementary, 1 middle school).

*Had a display and participated in the Back to Church Sunday event in the park.

*Members serve as a Board member for HTNH and as a staff member at Walt’s Place.

*Members helped work on building a Habitat for Humanity duplex for two families in the Hilltop area.      

*Three adults working with Breakfast Club attended training: Formational Children’s Ministry - shaping children using story, ritual, and relationship.  

*Had a caroling party with 27 Breakfast Club parents & youth & 10 adult volunteers.  Parents provided yummy desserts.                                                       

*FUMC Prayer Shawl Ministry provided all Breakfast Clubbers and Walt’s Place members with beautiful warm scarves.

*Local Ministries provided funds so that each family that has children attending Breakfast Club was able to receive a book, The Sparkle Box, about paying it forward.
*Individuals being present in the Hilltop Community to talk with families, help, care, encourage, love.

Breakfast Club Caroling December 22, 2013

Twenty-seven Breakfast Club Youth and their Families, and ten Adult Breakfast Clubbers met at Union Community Church on December 22, 2013.  They caroled in the surrounding Hilltop area and returned to UCC for pizza and great desserts that were provided by the youth's families. 

Sorry - no pictures available at this time.

Breakfast Club Goes Trick or Treating for Food Pantries

On November 3, 2013, youth that attend Breakfast Club dressed up in their costumes and Trick or Treated for non-perishable food items for the Hilltop and FUMC Pantries.  It was fun! Then we had a pizza party :)

Happy Epiphany Bags

Epiphany bags were delivered to all Breakfast Clubbers.  In the bags were the traditional scripture from Isaiah ("Arise, shine.,.." ) and Matthew chapter 2 (about the visitors from the East).  There were also some fun facts, crowns for each child to decorate with adhesive jewels, markers, an epiphany coloring page, and a star to decorate and hang in their house as a reminder of what the day stands for.
Carol, Bob and Mary Stoner assembled and delivered the bags on Sunday so the youth could enjoy them on Monday, January 6th, Epiphany, and know that even though we were unable to get-to-gather for Breakfast Club due to the bad weather - they were still thought about!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Discovery Centers for Hilltop Neighborhood House Classrooms

FUMC donated $1,800 for the purchase of Discovery Centers for all the Hilltop Neighborhood House classrooms.  Our gift brought in an additional $6,000 from another source.  HTNH is the only registered ministry in NW Indiana to be on the state's "Paths to Quality" program.  They have now reached Level 2.

Kids Against Hunger Packing Event

Some Hilltop Families and Hilltop Neighborhood Staff helped with the Kids Against Hunger Packing Event on May 11, 2013